Friday 27 June 2014

Changing the Job

Plan your carrier in new profession

Analyze likes and dislikes:
Most of the people change their carrier because they don’t like their job, their employer, or their company so it is impossible to deal with these problems for long time. It is better to discover likes rather than dislikes, and choose a field for which you are passionate and determined.

One of the vital factors is networking abilities because if a person has so many links with people, and companies or industries, it may provide different job opportunities.

Gaining Experience:
A person can do part-time or voluntary work to gain experience in the new profession because in every job experience matters.

Choose a mentor:
Changing carrier is a big life decision so it is better to find a mentor who can help you through the tough times. A mentor may have link with employers which can help you in getting job.

Be Flexible:
In a new profession you might have to be flexible with the salary, and the employment status because of new comer or having less experience.

Training and Education:
After taking decision of changing profession, the next step is to decide to get full knowledge regarding the field which you have chosen.

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