Wednesday 25 June 2014

Pick your carrier according to your transferable skills

Don’t get so frustrated if you don’t have any job 

How can you pick the best carrier?

  1. ·         It is very necessary to keep in mind your interests, aptitudes, and nature because there will be a chance of choosing the right carrier
  2. ·         It is a good manner to gather information about different fields and profession; what training is required and how much of education and experience is needed
  3. ·         It is important to consider your future; if there is no further chances of establishment in your selected carrier, then you will be definitely unsatisfied
  4. ·         Consider the job market situation because some certain profession are always in demand

How can you discover your transferable skills?
or Key to Success

  1. ·         Do experience the new things in life; other than working at only one position.
  2. ·         Think about your accomplishments that can be tremendous confidence booster
  3. ·         Discuss with friends and colleagues that might help you in discovering your hidden skills
  4. ·         Taking online test will get you to the best results

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