Friday 27 June 2014

Coaching Leads to Success

How to gain success in new Job?

There is no short cut to success, thus here are some tips given below to gain achievement in your new job profession.

·         Work hard:
o   Take work to home
o   Do extra work
o   Work on weekends
·         Be on time:
o   Arrive 30 minutes before
o   Ask for extra work
o   Complete your presentation work before the deadline
·         Be patient
o   No rush for success
o   Try to share idea
o   No hurry for awards or rewards
·         Adapt the atmosphere
o   Socialise with colleagues
o   Follow the rules
o   Wear professional outfit
·         Be ready for  new challenges
o   New projects
o   Always ready to learn advance technology
o   Set up new goals
·         Thrust for knowledge
o   Read articles and books
o   Use social networking websites; Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc.

o   Do further qualification, training

for more assistance watch the video link below

Changing the Job

Plan your carrier in new profession

Analyze likes and dislikes:
Most of the people change their carrier because they don’t like their job, their employer, or their company so it is impossible to deal with these problems for long time. It is better to discover likes rather than dislikes, and choose a field for which you are passionate and determined.

One of the vital factors is networking abilities because if a person has so many links with people, and companies or industries, it may provide different job opportunities.

Gaining Experience:
A person can do part-time or voluntary work to gain experience in the new profession because in every job experience matters.

Choose a mentor:
Changing carrier is a big life decision so it is better to find a mentor who can help you through the tough times. A mentor may have link with employers which can help you in getting job.

Be Flexible:
In a new profession you might have to be flexible with the salary, and the employment status because of new comer or having less experience.

Training and Education:
After taking decision of changing profession, the next step is to decide to get full knowledge regarding the field which you have chosen.

Tips for Interview

 Some Common Carrier Coaching Tips For Job Interviews

  1. ·        Don’t be panic: Take your time before going to an interview, have a deep breath and drink water, this will remove the anxiety. You should focus on what you  prepared
  2. ·        Sell yourself: If you want to capture a job, you must sell yourself to the employer. It is crucial to be an asset for the company.
  3. ·        Take mock interviews: If a person has skills and techniques but don’t practice them hence cannot succeed in getting job. In mock interview, the environment is same like real job interviews thus it benefits a lot.
  4. ·        Check out the company: It is important to get familiar with the companies background because the interviewer can ask or it can provide knowledge regarding your job duties.
  5. ·        Improve your interview techniques: Make sure you prepare in the right manner because sometimes a person actually don’t know the principles of an interview; formal outfit, no use of casual words, be ready to show resume, cover letter, business cards, certifications, references, licenses, a pen and notepad.
  6. ·        Case interview questions: There are some common interview questions which helps a lot while preparing for an interview.

Some of them are as under:

o   Are you the best person for this job?
o   What are your future goals?
o   How can you prove yourself as an asset for the company?

o   Why you want to work in this organisation?

for more interview tips to go the below video link:

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Pick your carrier according to your transferable skills

Don’t get so frustrated if you don’t have any job 

How can you pick the best carrier?

  1. ·         It is very necessary to keep in mind your interests, aptitudes, and nature because there will be a chance of choosing the right carrier
  2. ·         It is a good manner to gather information about different fields and profession; what training is required and how much of education and experience is needed
  3. ·         It is important to consider your future; if there is no further chances of establishment in your selected carrier, then you will be definitely unsatisfied
  4. ·         Consider the job market situation because some certain profession are always in demand

How can you discover your transferable skills?
or Key to Success

  1. ·         Do experience the new things in life; other than working at only one position.
  2. ·         Think about your accomplishments that can be tremendous confidence booster
  3. ·         Discuss with friends and colleagues that might help you in discovering your hidden skills
  4. ·         Taking online test will get you to the best results

Monday 26 May 2014

Need for Career coach in life

Anybody who wants to change his/her job, or make carrier change must meet a carrier coach”

What is a carrier coach?

A carrier coach has a deep knowledge regarding various job opportunities, and experienced intellectual who suggest the finest profession to an unsatisfied employee. A coach facilitates a connection between clarity and confidence which is important before moving to a new profession. This sort of mentoring will help you to get well-matched job based upon your education, talent, desire, professional skills, and verbal and non- verbal skills.

How can you reach to a carrier coach?

  1. ·         Search on internet
  2. ·         Search in newspapers or magazines
  3. ·          public helpline
  4. ·         Ask from colleagues and friends